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Takis e Jota

Takis e Jota

Takis e Jota Takis è greco. Gestisce insieme alla moglie Jota un bel campeggio sul mare nella baia di Vivari. Sono i primi ad alzarsi il mattino presto e gli ultimi ad andare a dormire. Fanno tutto loro: dall’accoglienza degli ospiti alla manutenzione della struttura.Jota è una bellissima presenza alla reception e tra i tavolini […]

Takis e Jota Leggi tutto »

Restoring the faith

Restoring the faith “If we stop just for a moment and question our part in the lunacy of constant acquisition, the unfettered consumption of the “new”, then maybe we will begin to remember or learn a few fundamental truths, one being that the correlation between buying and happiness is an illusion which can never be

Restoring the faith Leggi tutto »


Charlotte “I remember a wedding toast that took place at our boatyard years ago, where the groom’s uncle advocated the importance of building your relationship before your sailing ship. My grandmother would have appreciated that recommendation as she spent most of her life building, understanding, and encouraging relationships – spousal, parental, business, higher power, and

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